
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ten to eleven :)


Same time as last night :) I am on the phone with my friend and I just finished my math home work. Or most of it anyways. Haha :)

Well I am bored and I wanted to tell you about the summer do your not surprised if I don't update as much.

Well in July I am working and going on a vacation. Then in august I am either babysitting or going to my families house to meet my cousins. If the second plan works out I can't update when I'm with them so it will be about two weeks maybe three of me not updating :( but I will have a very long post after just for you :)

Ok well my hands hurt and I'm a little tired. So I will update you later :)

Byeeeeee :)

Almost midnight.


It is actually ten to eleven. But I couldn't think of anything else to call this :)
I am going to write a song because I'm in one of those moods. I haven't chosen what my song will be about yet. But I will figure that out later.

Now I am writing to you because I feel like it :) you are special enough to be kept up to date on whats on my mind because that's what my title says. You know its called "drama queens thoughts" for a reason. It's all my thoughts in one place where I can keep track of them and you can try to make sense of them as much as you can :) you will probably do better then me :)

Right now I am laying in bed listening to music being depressed about guys. But hey, I'm a teenager what do I expect?

Has anyone ever told you that you can't do something because it's too hard or you won't make it or you aren't good enough? Well don't listen to them because they are lying. You can do whatever you want. Whenever you want. Trust me. You don't have to be a doctor just because everyone in your family is. You can go and be s broadway start if you really want to.

Well that's all I have on my mind right now. I will check back before school tomorrow :)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In the car

Hey!!! I am in a car right now and I am bored. So I will update you a bit.

In la I have to write an essay. I will post it as I write it and you can edit it for me :) then I will tell you what I get on it :)

Have you ever had a best friend (if your a girl a guy best friend and if your a guy a girl best friend) and they liked you? A lot and you thought you liked them so you told them you did. Then another person comes into play and they like you and ask you out so you say yes and then you have to tell your friend and you feel horrible about it? All you want is for them to get mad at you and then forgive you. But they won't get mad at you? Well I know how that feels.

Another thing. Have you ever felt like your in love and one minute everything is fine. Then they get a headache or had a bad day or something. You told them what you hate a while ago an they do it anyways and you get ma so they get even more mad and then they leave and you don't think you love them anymore but you know you do? Well I also know what that feels like :/

Anyways on a happier note Justin Bieber is amazing and so is Tyler Medeiros :) I saw a guy that looked like Tyler today and I thought it was for a bit. Then I realize he wasn't as hot. So it wasn't. If you see someone who looks like Tyler or Justin tell me what was the same an what was different. I want to know how many look a likes there are out there!!

Ok well thats all for now :) talk to you guys later!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Justin Bieber- Never Say Never!

OHMYGODDNESS!!! That movie last night was absolutly amazing!!! Justin is such a cutieee!!!! After that movie i became an official Beliber! I always loved him, but now i absolutly love him! (Yes, there is a difference)

He got sick and i felt soo bad for him! He is so good to his fans! He went for a while with a broken foot. He did a couple of concerts with a cold. He is amazing :) I would do almost anything to meet him and get an interview with him :) OHMYGOODNESS if you know of anyway that i could, well lets just say that i would love you forever! I also love Usher. just saying :) If i could sing i would totally put up some videos of me singing for you guys, but sadly i couldn't sing to save my life. Well, i'm not horrible, but i'm no Justin Bieber, or Usher. :)

I would tell almost everyone to go to this movie, unless you absolutly HATE Justin (which you would have to be CRAZY to hate him) but even if yoy're not a fan, but you don't hate him, go to the movie, it is done really well actually.

My fave Justin song: Never Say Never (feat. Jayden smith, who is AMAZING and supercute!)
Fave part of the movie: When Jayden came out and he had his huge afro, then later when Justin bugged him about it on stage.
Other people who appeared in the movie (if i don't put someone's name it is because i dont know how to spell it): Justin Bieber, Usher, Ludacris (i think thats how you spell it), Miley Cyrus, Justin's friends and family, Sean Kingston, Jayden Smith, and of course the crew for Justin's concerts.

He performed at Madison Square Gardens, and sold out!

Well, That's all for now guys! Thanks so much for reading and i will talk to you all later!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wow :)

OHMYGOD i thought of the best idea ever!

What if a group of people (5-6) wrote a few chapters of a book. BUT before they came up with every little detail to make it work. So it would look like this:

Person one write chapters 1-3
chapter one can start how ever they want it to. Chapter three has to end a certain way. With a certain sentence.
Person two writes chapters 4-6
Chapter two has to end a certain way...

and the same for everyone else. they decide what will happen in each section. They decide what each and every character is like exactly. Who will come in where. They work out every single little detail. Then they go their seperate ways (they decide on a due date) and they write their parts. They decide who will get all the parts and put them together.

This way, no one has to actually work together they can just work by them selves and then have one final product.

Mind you, i don't think this would work very well because there is a lot of loose ends... but maybe one day people will be able to work it out and make it work :)

Well, this was a very random post :) So, i will be back later.

I will have a review about the Justin Bieber never say never video because i am going to go see that today :) Alright i will talk to you later about that!!!


Friday, February 18, 2011


Song of the day: girlfriend by: Tyler Medeiros
Quote of the day: live life with no regrets
How I am feeling right now: tired and stircrazy!!
Topic of the day: new room :)

Hey guys! So being home for two days made me kind of stir crazy. So I'm going to post what I'm planning to do to my room in a few months and I need your help with what I should do.

So I'm a bit of a girly girl. So I'm thinking either baby blue or light pink. But I don't know what colors go with those. That's the first thing I need help with :)

Second is my room is so small!!! The things I have right now are:
End table ( but it's floating so it doesn't actually touch the floor)
And three mirrors (one full length one small one above desk and one really big one on my dresser)
And a white board

What I would like:
Vanity table
2 mirrors
Bean bag chairs
Different colored lights
End table

Any other ideas???

If you are redecorating your room e-mail me and tell me the theme and why you have so far. I'll give you my input and post a blog about it so people can give you ideas as well :)

Make sure to tell all your friends about me. E-mail me at


Song of the day: Girlfriend by: Tyler Medeiros <3333
Quote of the day: No guy is worth your tears & the one who is won’t make you cry.
How i'm feeling right now: a little sick and sore, but overall i am good :)
Topic of the day: Review of Tyler Medeiros :)

Tyler Medeiros is the newest singer (as of sometimes last year, don't know the exact date) His newest song is "girlfriend"
He is only 15 and already been on a tour. I personally think he is absolutly amazing and i could dance to his music 24/7 He is more in the pop side of music.
He is the cousin of Danny Fernandez and Shawn Desmon. Both amazing singers.
Tyler has been taking dances classes since the age of 10. His song "girlfriend" gets a little repetitive, but it is still good. he is also pretty cute ;) He is 15 (as i have already mentioned) and as far as i know he is SINGLE. I will see what i can do to get an interview with him ;) and post as soon as i can about him.

Official website:
Song Videos:


other songs:
Please don't go


First post

Please, bear with me in this first post, i will try to make it as quick and painless as possible and move on.

I have had a few blogs in that past. But this is now going to be my one and only :)

A little about me:

You don't need to know much about me, except that if you have any questions you can e-mail me at
All you need to know about my name is that it starts with an M. At the end of each post I will sign it with an M. You don't need to know my name just yet, but i will tell you it sooner or later.
I won't have any one topic that I talk about because i find that gets a little.....boring. So it will be just what a blog should be. Just random posts that go go through my head that day.

My promises:
I will post at least twice a week (sometimes more, if i can)
I will never rant about anything going on in my life because you don't need that and you don't need to know what is going on in my life, unless of course, you ask :)
and finally, i will try to never be boring with posts.

Also, if you ever have any questions, please e-mail me, i will answer them as soon as i can.

I will have a contest here and there and if you win i will send you an interview, you answer all the questions that you can and/or want to and then i will make one whole post about you.

If you think that i should change the blogs name give me some ideas, or choose one from the list below:

Black News
Fuschia Diary
Crooked Diary
Empty Moments
Black Diary
Teary Updates
Blank Voices

Alright guys, I'm done with annoying and boring you to death :) haha just kidding! I know you guys love this :) but really, i will stop blabbing about whatever i am blabbing about right now and move onto the actual first post. Thanks for bearing with me for the first post :)